We’ve garnered several decades of cumulative coffee knowledge and make it a priority to impart as much of it as possible through initiatives available to consumers and industry professionals alike.
We provide public education sessions at our roasting works, wholesale client consultations, and SCA Certified professional development courses available at our soon-to-be SCA Certified campus facility and via satellite campuses in Western Canada.
Every Friday we have open cuppings for guests to join, led by one of our two active Q graders, to further educate our customers and keep our coffee team caffeinated. We follow the SCA format for all of our coffee’s scoring and grading.
Foundations of Coffee
Barista Pathway
Coffee Buyer Pathway
Foundations of Coffee
Barista Pathway
Coffee Buyer Pathway
“The picture of long-term sustainability for our industry is not complete without examining environmental implications.”
John Oughtred Jr.
Sustainability means more to us than recycling and energy efficiency – it’s a core value of our business. While big steps have been made over the last decade, we’re constantly exploring possibilities for improvement to reduce our global and community footprints.
Although we like our coffee hot, global warming isn’t quite our style, so Oughtred Coffee & Tea is a proudly certified Carbon Neutral company.
Since 2009, our company has successfully reduced our carbon footprint by 53% and counting.
An unwavering commitment to education and training has helped us establish dedicated customer service. Coffee is a social commodity with a human touch, and our services should be no different.
Our latest endeavour in customer experience improvements is the addition of coffee subscriptions through our online retail sites.
We pride ourselves on the relationships built with our customers and partners, striving to ensure the highest level of satisfaction with everyone who is part of our journey.
Oughtred Crest
Indulge in decadence.
Notch Coffee
Explore your tastes.
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Fostering the growth and awareness of specialty coffee through education, customer service, relationships and sustainability.